
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mundane Mond... Wednesday.

Woke up this morning for a 6:45 run, which went quite well. We ran from my place out to Fresh Pond, around said pond, and back to the corner of Concord and Walden. Similar to my weekend run, but with only one time around the pond. Rockin'.

After that, we hurried ourselves back to get on with our respective days. I got myself into work by around 9:00 am, thanks to my trusty bike.

My poor trusty bike is starting to make weird noises when I pedal. I'm not sure why, but it has nothing to do with the gears, but something to do with the pedals themselves. Weird. I'm going to try to investigate in the morning.

The rest of the work day went alright. Several weird meetings, and a lot of branding kit thought in the meantime.

After work, I biked home, squeaky clicking pedals and all, and got myself over to Jason and Kat's by 6:45 pm or so. Then we all piled in Kat's car and headed out to Mark's place for some music making. Did that until about 9:20 pm, when we went home.

Now I am sleepy and feeling mundane.

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