
Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today started with a brief run around the river. Maybe... 2-3 miles or so? It was an off day.

I got to work by about 9:00 am or so, and decided I should flip my desk around so that I can see everyone in the office, rather an have them all sitting behind me. Good move, so far. It's nice not having everyone and their mother sneaking up on me and tapping me on the shoulder all the time.

Today was relatively productive, and definitely better than yesterday. Oh! And I had tofu yellow curry for lunch, which always makes a day better.

I ended up leaving the office around 6:15 pm, biked back towards Porter with Mr. Daniel on my tail. I got home, decided to make myself a tasty wrap of awesomeness, and found that half my veggies had gone rotten. Total bummer. And they were the ones I hadn't cut up! Grumble. But I had enough for a thang anyway, and it was tasty.

All that said and done, I was kinda late getting out to Framingham - maybe 7:45 or so. But, regardless, we had a great time and did more general jamming than playing of specific songs. We keep jamming on all sorts of random styles. Today was a sea shanty and a sorta funk groove. It was more or less awesome.

On the way home, I listened to The Aeroplane Over The Sea on my way, and proved to myself that I can sing the whole album, straight through, at full volume, whilst hitting all the notes. This makes me pretty happy.

And once home, I had some ice cream. Woot.

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