
Friday, June 11, 2010

Isn't it a lovely night?

The hour is late, yet I'm still awake.

Just kinda bumming around Teh Internets, sitting in the guest room of my parents' house with the window open, listening to the crickets and Passion Pit, alternately.

Pretty much a beautiful night.

I woke up at 7:30 AM or so and got into work by 9:00 AM, which was great.  I think I've finally figured out how to ride a bike.  Yay, learning!  Just a little shifting here, a little shifty-shifterton there, and look, you're not working nearly as hard as you were a moment ago!  And you're going faster!  Amazing.

Work was mostly productive - we've gotten through the estimation phase and are actually getting into development at this point, I think.  The client is supposed to provide us with a bunch of documentation and such on Monday - after that we'll really be ready to roll.

I ended up leaving work today around 3:30 PM, biked myself home with my new skillz, packed myself up (including shoving my bike into the car), and headed towards Connecticut at 4:20 PM.  I hit some traffic trying to get out of the city, despite my trying to beat rush hour, and ended up getting to Oxford at... 6:50 PM or so.  Too late to get to Aleksandra's parents' house for dinner, but early enough to get to my parents' house before they got back from the former.

I think that sentence technically made sense.

I've been mostly catching up with Mom and Dad all evening.  Did two loads of laundry.  Talked to Dad about a bunch of book series I need to read, including a bunch of David Eddings stuff and the Foundation books.  He found all of the Foundation series except the first one, of course.  We can't figure out where that one is.  Here's hoping that Julia has it.

I think that it is perhaps time to sleep.  A full day awaits me tomorrow.

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