
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Campy Camping

Hello world!

So over the weekend, we had a great camping trip up in New Hampshire.  It was raining a little bit off and on, but that just meant that the weather was nice and cool for hiking.  Great!

I have a bunch of pictures on my phone of the Flume, Artist's Bluff, Polly's Pancake Parlor, and Arethusa Falls.  I'm hoping to get them uploaded to Facebook sooner or later.

We stayed at this little campground called, like, "KOA" or something.  It was... mediocre, unfortunately.  I could have done with a bit (read: a lot) more space between us and our neighbors.  I don't like to see other camp sites whilst out in the woods - here, they were like... 20 feet away.  Bummer - but that's okay!  We still got to go through all the motions.  It just wasn't quite as secluded as I might have liked.

We had terrible traffic on the way back into Boston on Sunday.  Allie and I must have sat there, crawling along for about an hour on top of your standard travel time.  Painful.  We ended up getting back to Boston at like... maybe... 8:00 PM?  Something like that.  It was fairly late.  Once we got into Somerville, there was like a fire or something, and we had to take a detour - just to extend things a bit.

But it worked out.  I'd do it again.  I'd just pick the camp site a little more carefully!  The White Mountains are gorgeous.  I had no idea.  Well worth the trip.

This week has been sorta frustrating, in that my poor laptop kinda died on Monday, in that it had a bunch of corrupted stuff on the hard drive and was taking twenty (20) minutes to boot up, which was wicked painful.  While I was backing it up and restoring it and all that over the past few days, I've been using my old work PC.  Also painful.  I did, however, make a bit of good progress anyway, which was nice.  Unfortunately, I think our project is a bit behind at the moment.  Mark and I are on it, in our own special ways.

I had a lesson with The Zoffer on Tuesday, which went really well.  I feel like I actually know some jazz chords now, and that, given a sheet, I might have a good idea how to play it in a jazzerific way without too much trouble.

It's kinda funny - I figured all that out in an hour prior to the lesson.  I swear, if I could just focus like that three days a week, I'd be spectacular in no time.  Such a hard thing to do, though.  Oof.

On Wednesday, we had a great band practice.  I recorded the whole thing.  We had a few really awesome jams - I need to get them off my phone and share them with everybody.  It is, however, like 2 hours of recording.

Today, Thursday, was my four year review with Mr. Marty.  A good talk.

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