
Monday, July 26, 2010

Whoah, kay.


Another week, another post.  I seem to have fallen into a weekly thing.  I feel like there's not enough stuff to record, often, on a day by day basis.  For instance!

This last week consisted, mostly, of trying to finish up our current project at work-land.  I think we made steady progress, as today we're feeling more or less done.  Otherwise, I think last week was one of those recover-from-vacation sorta things.  It involved a good deal of laundry, cleaning, unpacking, reacquainting myself with Cambridge, etc.

This last weekend I took a little trip down to New Haven to see my brother and Aleksandra in their church's production of Annie.  They did a great job!  My brother was Rooster, and Aleksandra was Grace. Both excellent.  Following the show, we went over to another cast member's house for Ye Olde Cast Party, which I probably wasn't invited to, but which I crashed on recommendation of my brother.  They were all really cool people - we spent a great deal of time listening to tunes from the 70s and 80s and laughing at them.  I think I was the youngest there by a good 5 years.  But that's okay - I'm used to slightly-older company.

Sunday morning we (myself, Chris, and Aleksandra) drove over to Mom and Dad's, where I proceeded to spend the afternoon cleaning my car.  I cleaned all the carpets, all the interior surfaces, and suds-upped the exterior and in-between-the-interior-and-exterior around the doors.  The thing looks great now.  Kinda like when I got it from Grandma.

I try.  Sometimes it just takes me a while.

Today was a fairly productive day, I think, at the office.  Lots of research into various annoying problems, but we managed to fix them, I think.  I got in pretty early and left around 6:00 PM.

I've spent the evening thinking about music, lyrics, and trying to record some stuff.  It's rather difficult, but one of those things I think you only get better at with practice.  Timing is difficult - it's not easy to maintain a consistent pace for however-many minutes.

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