
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sharpen that saw.

So today involved a bit of organizing, a lot of sleeping, a bike ride, and a few hours of Ars Magica.

I woke up at perhaps 9:30 am or so, after deciding that, given that today was my last day of vacation, I might as well take advantage of it. Oh, and boy did I.

I got a few things done in the morning, organized some stuff, and then promptly took a three hour nap from 1:30 pm or so until 4:30 pm. Rockin'. Hey, cool, the iPad automatically added an apostrophe to rockin. Well... The first time, anyway. This thing is weird and inconsistent in its auto-correction.

Anyway, after waking up, I took a bike ride down Memorial Drive, back up to Harvard Square, and then back home. Whilst in H^2 I stopped at Dado for some iced coffee.

Yes, after all this I'm really hoping I'll be able to sleep AT ALL tonight.

Ars was fun - Jason is doing a great job. We quit for the evening around 10:00 pm because Pete had to work. On the way home, after dropping Jason off at his place, I stopped at the Star Market on 16 for some food stuffs.

And here I am.

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