
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I want to use excessive profanity here so bad.

Today has been incredibly frustrating.  Nothing worked.  My damn computer felt like it was falling apart half the day.  Our servers kept screwing up and failing to load things - apparently just for me.  I couldn't figure out why my code wouldn't compile.  Twice.  The app I'm working on spontaneously quit on me, repeatedly, and refused to load.  My debugger wouldn't connect to the app to help me figure out why.  For three, separate, obscure reasons.  I tried to relax on the deck for five minutes and the game I decided to try playing crashed when I tried to load it.  My network connection kept cutting in and out all day.  Both computers I'm trying to use are slow as hell.  My stupid .profile file on my Mac is gone, so none of my shortcuts work.


Here's hoping tomorrow is better.  I'm going to either shoot my computer (figuratively speaking), shoot myself (figuratively speaking), or have a mental breakdown (possibly not figuratively speaking) if they continue like this.

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