
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just open fire when you hit the shore

Today I was reassigned out of our Product group and back into Services. "Back into" is really an odd description of the move, as I was never really there to begin with. There's a possibility that I may stay in Product - I don't know, as both the head of the Product group and the head of the Services group are out of the office - and was only notified of this by the lead architect on the project, as he had something he needed me to do. Odd.

Lunch was a slice of pizza from Pinocchio's. Good, as always, though it was chilly enough outside that it was cold by the time I got it back to the office. I didn't really feel like eating much more than that. After work, we played a round of Ricochet Robots, which I just barely won. Having a brain that's good at spacial relationships doesn't do you much good when you're playing against a bunch of people who're built the same way, perhaps even more acutely.

Dinner? Why, the three C's, of course. Cheese, crackers, and carrots. What more do you need? I wasn't particularly hungry anyway. Ever since I was sick, I've been having big meals to make up for it. (I think there were several days where all I had was some liquid and a piece of bread.)

I listened to Tom Waits all morning just because it was that sort of day. Mellow, and sort of messed up. On the way home, I listened to most of an album of Explosions in the Sky. I couldn't figure out what was wrong for the longest time - then I realized that my footfalls weren't matching up with the music at all. I was wearing boots, and so every time I put my foot down it sounded like a bass drum in my ears. When I finally got the timing down the album improved dramatically as a snowy, cold soundtrack to the walk home.

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