
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Brush the snow from your hair

Tonight I went out for a walk in the snow.  I took the T to Harvard Sq. and walked around with all the other dark coated, scarved people.  Cambridge has put up all its Christmas lights (it did the Tuesday before Thanksgiving), and so everything was lit up like a holiday.  On my way in, it was snowing enough that I was thoroughly dusted by the time I stomped my boots in The Garage.  I tried to go to Veggie Planet - they were having some private function for Club Passim, and were only accepting orders for take out.  Eating outside wasn't really on the menu, so I tromped across the Square and sat down in Le's with its 95% Asian crowd.  The waitress made me feel out of place, and it was glorious.  I ordered summer rolls, Pho Chay, and tea and loved every bite and sip, though afterwards I felt rather full.  As I sat there, I re-read some of the lines I've written in my notebook.  The good ones are still good, the bad ones are still bad.  It's nice to see that hasn't changed; too often everything melds back towards mediocrity when aged.  After dinner I walked around the Square a few times, trying to decide if I really wanted coffee.  If I could have found someplace to buy some, I may have had something to keep my hands toasty on the walk home.  Peets was closed.  Dado was closed.  Dado on Mass Ave. closes at 6:00 PM every night, apparently.  The Starbucks on Church I habitually ignore.  I walked home back down Massachusetts Avenue feeling the cold on my face, and there was practically no one out.  A car would pass occasionally, driving five to ten miles per hour slower than usual, though whatever snow had fallen on the roads had already been turned to liquid.  

Earlier today I sang along to Bright Eyes, The Decemberists, Feist, Radiohead, Silversun Pickups, Spoon, The Strokes, and Voxtrot while I did laundry and cleaned my apartment.  The place looks better.  It's funny how when you move into a space, some things take up residence in inconvenient places.  I took the opportunity to move my CDs across the apartment and to organize the mess that is the cable modem/router and their various cords.  Both make more sense now.  As usual, my electric guitar continues to migrate around the apartment.  

This morning I shaved my beard, such as it was.  Side burns and soul patch have stayed.  To me, I look about ten years younger.  So continues the ever-changing facial hair/hair styles of The Joy Boys.  

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