
Thursday, December 13, 2007

A beautiful night

Today after work, I went for a drink with a few coworkers to the Border Cafe.  Two margaritas and a few hours later, we decided to get dinner at Casablanca.  I had a delicious stuffed squash with spinach, which was more than I would normally be comfortable spending on dinner.  Luckily, I'm fairly sure the evening was comped due to the visit of our fine clients, with whom we were eating.  BK told some spectacular stories of his time in the Middle East and South America.  Casablanca saw me with two Stellas.  

Needless to say, the walk home was beautiful.

Around noon today, it started snowing, and has been doing so ever since.  At this point of the night, we're up to about a foot.  As I walked down Mass Ave, every so often I would run for a moment to gain some speed, then stop, plant my feet, and slide through the snow.  It was great.  Someone wrote "Hi!" in the snow on a mini van's window.  I wrote "Yo!" back.  I saw some people making a snake shape in the snow - I nearly stopped and asked if they wanted any help.  

It was a great walk.  It was snowing the whole way.  I called my brother at the beginning of the walk, but one of his kids was crying, so he said he'd call back.  I missed the call, what with my drunkenness, sliding, and general obliviousness, and I called him back when I had about ten minutes left to my walk, and we talked as I walked home.  

Apparently a building burned - to the ground - in New Haven.  It housed a bar that we went two once or twice.  They had a mechanical bull.  He said he walked by, but couldn't tell if the bull was still there.  I wonder what they'll build in its place.  

For lunch H, A and I (Hai!) went to Veggie Planet.  I had the special pizza - apples, brie, spinach, and honey glaze.  It was pretty good.   After work, we played a round of Ricochet Robots.  DR and I tied for first place.  At the end of the game, the last two tiles were for robots that were 1 move away from their target spaces.  Unheard of!

All in all, not a bad day.  I actually felt like a professional at work today.

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