
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tour De Grave and the Tour De Front Door Locking Mechanisms That Don't Function

This morning was the Tour De Grave through Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington, Medford, and Charlestown.  It was a bit chilly, but a lovely ride overall.  I think we visited maybe... 10 burying grounds and cemeteries?  Something like that.  It was a good twenty mile ride, I think.  I brought trail mix which included candy corn.  I'm quite happy about this.

After the Tour, Daniel and I went to The Border Cafe in Harvard Square to stuff our faces with calories.  It was absolutely delicious.  The margarita helped.  Upon leaving the Border, I biked myself home around 4:30 or so, stumbled around for a few, and then took a nap until 6:00 PM.  I was awoken by my downstairs neighbor blasting shitty techno/dance.

Around 6:45, I finally got ahold of my brother, and went out to meet him at the Fort Point Arts Community Gallery down by the waterfront, where he and Zack were hanging their show.  They'd apparently been there all day, and by the time I got there, it was looking great.  When they finished up, we got everything out to the car, locked the gallery, and attempted to go lock the door to the building itself.

... This is when the problem started.  The damn key just wouldn't lock the door.  It fit in the lock, it turned, but... nothing happened.  We called the building management company several times and they gave us the run around.  We talked to a few tenants who happened to be coming or going, and their keys wouldn't lock it either.  Eventually, we told the maintenance people (who still hadn't shown up), that we had to leave, and they finally took responsibility.

Later, as we were having dinner and Sapporo in Chinatown, the maintenance dude called my brother back and quizzed him about the door, to which he repeated everything and said, "And I'm not there anymore."  To which the guy was like, "But... I'm not there either!"  To which my brother pointed out that he should probably remedy that, given that it's his damn building.  The guy eventually resigned himself to shutting off Three's Company and hauling himself down to the building.  Presumably.

It's been a long, but great day, over all.  Sleep time.

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