
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Organization and Role Models, of a sort

I spent the better part of this morning/afternoon kinda... organizing.  And doing laundry.

I started writing down thoughts on my whiteboard about what I'd like to be doing with my time.  Like... if I could do anything.  Which, I guess, I can.  I have a color system:

- Orange: Major goals
- Green: Chores
- Blue: Scheduled events/appointments
- Brown: Things standing in the way of orange items.
- Red: For the love of God, do this now.

The colors - save red - are more or less arbitrary, but help me keep it all straight in my head.

It seems useful to throw the orange items up on the board and see if they stick.  It's hard to say until I spend some time considering them as my goals.

This evening, I biked down to JP with Daniel, where we met up with Annalisa and Jeff for dinner at... Wonderspice?  Was that the name?  Tasty foods, excellent company.  Following that, we all pedaled our way over to Bikes Not Bombs, for a presentation by Russ and Laura of the Path Less Pedaled (  Really inspiring.  As a result - and I had been thinking this before, but didn't really realize it was a "goal" - I'm going to be adding another orange item to my list:

- Shed excess objects.

I really have too much crap in my life, and I really don't need most of it. I think there's many things that, perhaps, I go store at my parents' house rather than sell off, but I'd really like to simplify this mess.  I'd like to get to the point where everything that I bother to own has a clear purpose.  I'm not going to get to the point where I can just hop on a bike with my four panniers of stuff and take off, but I could at least stand to get to the point where I can walk through my apartment without tripping over something.

Something to think about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you are looking to reduce your stuff check out