
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dado time?


I woke up wicked late today, after attempting to wake up around 8:00 AM and failing miserably.  I woke up, read a chapter from the second book of David Eddings' Mallorean, and then went back to sleep until 10:30 listening to the White Stripes' Icky Thump while a crew was busy putting a new roof on the apartment building right over my head.

It wasn't the most restful sleep, but it was really, really comfortable.  Ahh, free time.

So around 12:30 I finally made it out of the apartment and rode myself down here to Dado-land.  There was coffee.  There is currently a sandwich.  There was some desktop cleaning.  Funny how that rarely involves cleaning a physical object anymore.

Man, tasty sandwich.

And now what is there, you might ask?  It's okay.  Don't feel bad; I've been getting that question constantly for the past two months or so.

And it's a good question.  What is there now, anyway?

I've got a few things on my mind, none of which have manifested themselves into a concerted effort yet.

Is it okay that I'm still thinking of this as a staycation?  I wonder how long it'll be before staycation finds its way into the dictionary.  I wonder how long it'll be before I stop thinking of this as a break.

I've been saying for a while now that I want to go back and learn - more thoroughly - many of the things that I was supposed to have gotten awesome at over the past two years of taking classes and lessons at NEC.  If you didn't know, I'm not taking any classes this year, despite deciding that I wasn't going to be working.  One might think taking more classes might make sense, given the lack of employment.  But that wasn't really the point.  The point was to free myself up to figure out what's important without making any assumptions about it before I had a chance to actually do it.

Apparently there's a lot of social stuff that's really important, because I've found that since I left Allurent, I've got more events on my plate (read: whiteboard) than ever before.  Where does all this stuff come from that it springs, fully formed, into being just in time to give me something to do almost every day?

So I'm hoping that I can start to wrangle my thoughts into a coherent plan in the coming weeks, amidst all this other stuffage.

For now, though, here I am at 3:00 PM on a Tuesday, chilling in Dado with a late lunch and all these other funny, remote and/or non-9-to-5 people.

Whew.  Feels good, so far.  Now to make it feel like it makes sense.

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