
Sunday, September 5, 2010

ICA and Half of Central Square

Went out to the ICA yesterday afternoon, and was joined by Eric O. and Helena.  Eric and I walked over from South Station, which was delightful, and Helena met us there maybe twenty minutes later.

Charles LeDray's work was quite nice.  In Eric's words, much of it evoked some sort of dirty, Sears department store in the '80s.  He had viewers moving around a lot - a row of hats on the wall, well above your head, to miniature racks of clothing on the floor with a drop ceiling hanging over them that prevents you from properly seeing it at all unless you kneel beside it.  There were shelves covered in hundreds (thousands?) of tiny clay and porcelain pots, vases, cups and bowls, each one unique.

Dr. Lakra was, in my opinion, a trifle disappointing.  His work was primarily concerned with augmenting existing prints/photos/old magazines of people by covering their bodies with what appear to be Central American-style tattoos.  My current problem with it is that they appeared applied in a slapdash sort of way.  It was as if he was using the figure's skin as a flat canvas to draw on, which made the tattoos feel inconsistent and out of context even more than they already were (which, I imagine, is part of the point).

After leaving the ICA, the three of us took the T back to Central Square (around 5:30 PM or so), where we got a drink at Central Kitchen whilst waiting for Shannon to appear.  There was a goat cheese plate with berries.  There was also a Left Hand Milk Stout, and a... Final Ward?  Chartreuse, rye, lemon juice, and some other sorta fruit flavor I can't quite remember.  Nice.

Shannon appeared around 6:30 - 7:00 PM or so, and we went over to the Middle East for dinner.  Delightful, as always.  I had Tofu Cous Cous and a hummus plate.  The former was some cous cous on the side, several large, grilled slabs of tofu on a bed of various veggies, and a bunch of chick peas on the side.

After dinner, we went back across the street to the Enormous Room for an hour or so.  There was gin and tonic.  This was an interlude, designed to delay whilst we waited for Zuzu to become club-like around 10:00 PM.

It eventually did so.  It was, apparently, soul night.  Yes.

We stayed until closing.  Great night!

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