
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baroque Repositories and Izzards on the Borders

The time is now 12:05 AM, as I begin to write this. For the purposes of recording history as it happens, however, I'm going to ignore the past six minutes and pretend that this was written squarely in the timespan denoted by December 30, 2009. Another post will be forthcoming tomorrow, December 31, 2009.

That's right, bending time is as easy as that.

So work today was relatively uneventful, save two occurrences:

1. Lunch at PF Chang's with MGK, DR, SP, and JMcF.

2. A lovely, most of the afternoon discussion with MGK and DR (why, the same two gentlemen as above!) about the structure of our development repository and the versioning of our various units of code.

It's always a pleasure to discuss things with those two; a couple of good, calm, open-minded heads on their shoulders. When discussing such things, I tend to follow some sort of common sense, intuitive trajectory of exposition and problem solving, which, sometimes, people actually understand and vaguely appreciate. This is complimented by their spot-on sensibilities and levels of experience, the likes of which generally far outstrip my own. Excellent.

I took a lovely Christmas gift back to Borders today (alas, I already own and love Snow Crash. Thank you, though, KD!). In it's place, I found myself New Spring, by Robert Jordan (prequel to the rest of the Wheel Of Time, written after the 10th book), and Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson. I've read neither (or I would be unlikely to have purchased them), but have a great appreciation for both authors. I've heard the Baroque Cycle can indeed be somewhat baroque (I can't possibly be the first one to make that joke - perhaps it's named that way intentionally?), but I find myself looking forward to sparring with it.

Upon arriving home (post Borders trip), Mr. EO and I sat around and watched roughly 3-4 hours of stand up from Eddie Izzard and Louis C.K. Both excellent in very different ways. I laughed harder at the latter, but the former is much more clever.

And now, here I am, continuing in a new tradition. Excellente numero san. Oh, look at the time, I finished at 11:59, how splendid! Yes. 11:59. Definitely not 12:18.

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