
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Expenses and architecture

Today was extremely frustrating and exhausting.

I was reminded, within hours of each other, both how I'm still young, inexperienced, and make really dumb mistakes, and how my youth works against me when I do have something good to say.

As I wanted to say regarding the first: I am most suitably shamed.

As I wanted to say regarding the second: ARGH! What the HELL!

That's about all there is to say. I think I accomplished very little, but at least I'll get reimbursed for my expenses this year on behalf of the company. I think I'm going to spend the rest of the evening reading Crossroads of Twilight (The Wheel of Time, Book Ten).

I've ordered Vietnamese from Le's tonight; pho and lemongrass tofu. I can only eat one of those, but ordering the other for later was the only way I could meet the minimum delivery charge of $15. I feel like I've been missing vegetables the past week, so the pho is wonderful. The lemongrass will have to wait (though I did sneak a few bites).

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