
Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009: Basically Wrapped Up

It's the day after Christmas. I'm awake, for some reason, at 2:30 AM (so technically it's the 27th, not the 26th). I'm sitting in bed at my parents' house. I'm getting up in the morning to drive over to New Haven, prior to picking up JW and driving back to Cambridge. It's raining steadily outside. Andrew Bird is telling me how he's getting ready to be a threat. Volume on 2. This screen is the only light I can see.

The other day I read back through all the things I've written here, such as they are. There aren't so many, but what there is, feels good to re-read. It makes me want to continue to record; if I don't, how will anyone ever know what this was like?

So if I were to make a New Years' resolution, it would be to maintain a record again. I have at various points in the past; LiveJournal is still there, somewhere, recording all the good, bad, and ugly from my Internet-enabled youth. Perhaps I could copy those over sometime, just to maintain the record before LJ destroys it somehow.

It's strange to me how life swings back and forth between chugging along in an orderly fashion, and complete chaos. 2:30 AM has become regular during the past few days since I've been on vacation. Tomorrow I'll (somehow) need to go to bed at around midnight so I can get up for the last week of 2009.

I think this year has been one of steady, but unremarkable, personal growth. I'm better at what I do, and I've learned a lot about myself and how I do (and should) live life. I think the next year should be one of small, remarkable leaps. I'm feeling a lack of experience and worldliness which I'd like to correct. The notion of being somewhere I didn't speak the language used to scare me, I think. Or make me nervous, at least. That seems to be fading. 2010 should be a year of doing something to crush that discomfort.

I have this idea that I should write something here every day next year. Short, long, whatever; something. I find myself creating multiple blogs on blogger (it makes it so easy!) for the various things in my head. Should they be public? Does anyone care? No idea, but from the great deal I got out of reading the 17 prior entries in this one, I can just imagine what I'd have if I recorded another 365 days of mundane and glorious life.

Call that a goal. For now, perhaps I'll let the rain hitting the window lull me to sleep. Until tomorrow. Or, well, today, I suppose. I still maintain that tomorrow isn't today until you've slept. I don't know how to reconcile that idea with all-nighters.

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