The day has involved a great deal of lazy video game playing.
That's it!
In fifteen minutes or so, I'll be heading off to JW's place for a little New Year's Eve party, which promises to be a great time. It's going to be Red Stripe Beer themed, as I understand. Hooray New Year's! Hooray Friends! Hooray Beer! (As they say.)
I think I'll be walking myself over in a little bit; it's only a mile or so. I think I mostly summed up 2009 a few days ago when I started writing here again, so I don't really feel the need to do so again. Still, it can't hurt to take another pass at trying to express the feeling of the year in words. This year has been one of slow, steady growth. Not much has changed, all told, but I just feel more grown up, all around. I'm still living in the same place, still Mr. Bachelor, still taking classes, still working at Allurent, still having a great, busy, busy time, more or less. I'm just doing it all one year better.
I expected life to be quite different by this time of year. I thought, by now, most of my friends probably would have moved away from Boston, off to some other portion of the country. At various times, I thought perhaps my job situation might not continue on as (relatively) uneventfully as it has. None of that's really happened, and for the most part, we're all about where we were at the end of 2008. That's not really bad, sometimes it's just how things go.
I'm the sort that likes to keep life moving, so I can't say the above doesn't feel somewhat frustrating. But, on the other hand, if things keep moving around, you never get an opportunity to really get good at them. Practice and immersion are what get you somewhere, and it's safe to say that I'm getting very immersed in my job, and am almost ready to step into the deep end in my studies at NEC. That's not a bad feeling, even if it didn't involve dramatic trips to Europe and Asia, or something of the sort.
So thank you, 2009, for kindly delivering me through your time. May your slightly older sibling, 2010, be a year of good, wondrous things for us all.
Off to celebrate.