
Sunday, April 22, 2007

all alone at a table of friends

It's been a long time.

A lot has happened. I'm not sure if it has ended up for the better or what. It's certainly more complicated.

I guess I may end up living alone starting September. I'm not sure how I feel about that. My other housing options don't seem to really be going anywhere, as far as I can tell.

I want to move closer to work. That means my rent goes up by about $500 a month, if not more, if I want to live somewhere I'd want to live.

Life keeps moving. People pair off and go in different directions. This apartment seems to be our last shot at all living together, and we're all already prepared to move on. We were the day we moved in.

I guess that's what happens.

I'm mentally preparing myself to be a bachelor at large. It's odd how we end up in these unexpected states.

It's funny how many of the things you thought you valued and thought were cool when you were younger, it turns out, drive you nuts when you get older. It all seems so incredibly lame. So annoying. So trite and cheap.

It turns out that I'm not quite who I thought I was, and the things I always thought I cared about, I don't much care for at all. It leaves you staring at new meaning. Or at least staring at the old meaning wondering how you could have cared.

My goals are changing, somehow, and I can't really tell exactly what the difference is. I think I expect more, which is sort of crazy, because I already expected a lot.

I want to put myself someplace I'm not comfortable. Or someplace where I have to start over. This seems to be my theme lately.

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