
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I found several old to-do lists and notes to myself tonight.  I'm happy to report that I've made significant advances beyond the worries I had then.

Thank goodness - life really does progress and we really do grow.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New England Conservatory

I went out to dinner at Christopher's with my housemate Matt today.  Before our food arrived, I got a call from my advisor (Dave Z.) at the Conservatory.  I was going to call him back later, but Matt encouraged me to walk outside and take the call; I didn't argue too much because I'd been trying to get ahold of Dave for a few days now.

I walked outside into the hail (did you notice that was happening?  Ugh.) and called Dave back.  I'm not exactly sure how long we talked, maybe ten minutes or so, but we hammered a lot of stuff out.  It was great.

We decided that I'd take lessons with him this semester, and that I should join an ensemble.  I'm going to take Jazz Theory I and Ear Training I for non-credit this semester to get myself back into the groove (I've taken them already for credit).  I may (may) do some stuff in summer - maybe I'll work.  But in fall I'm going to take a full load.

Basically... I'm in.  I did it.  I'm going to spend the next four months taking jazz guitar lessons, playing in a small group ensemble, and learning theory and ear training.  And playing with Jason, Kat, and Mark at our usual basement-band-jam-session.

And I'm not going to be working full time.  So... this will be my focus.

And if I have my way, I'll do the same thing for the entire next school year.

I got out, I really did it.  I have this strange, lovely, semi-euphoric feeling.  Surprisingly, right now I'm not nervous, which I've been every single time I started something at the Conservatory.  This time I know I have the time and energy to do it.

Watch out, Nels Cline.